
News - 22 October 2020

Webinar – How to Use EU Law to Protect Civic Space

The European Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ECNL) and the joint EFC-DAFNE initiative, Philanthropy Advocacy will host a…
News - 24 September 2020

European AI Fund is launched by consortium of foundations working in Europe

A consortium of foundations working in Europe have launched the European AI Fund, an…
News - 22 September 2020

MacArthur Foundation announce $25 million in grants to support an equitable recovery in the US

The MacArthur Foundation has announced $25 million in grants to support an equitable recovery in wake of the COVID-19 pandemic in the…
News - 10 September 2020

Data in philanthropic foundations: beyond data science

In 2019, the Compagnia di San Paolo foundation transformed its organization to reflect the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals framework. These radical changes were supported by a detailed analysis…
News - 10 September 2020

Single Market for Public Good – How can we unleash private resources for European solidarity?

  On 1 October, Philanthropy Advocacy, the joint DAFNE and EFC initiative, is staging a debate to explore with key…
News - 25 August 2020

Ariadne’s Digital Power Grant Skills Week 2020

Ariadne’s first online Grant Skills Week will take place from 28 September to 1 October debuting the new Digital Power initiative, that…
News - 31 July 2020

Supporting communities on the frontlines of conflict

“The official advice is that it is too dangerous,”  Marina says.  She hands me the phone, and I say, “But I have promised to go.” We haggle and eventually reach…
News - 30 July 2020

Allianz Kulturstiftung launch call for projects “The art of bringing Europe together”

Allianz Kulturstiftung has launched a new call for projects “The art of bringing Europe together” to support artistic and cultural ideas that create open spaces…
News - 20 July 2020

European Economic and Social Committee launch EESC Civil Solidarity Prize

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has launched the Civil Solidarity Prize, a one-off edition replacing the annual EESC Civil Society…
News - 13 July 2020

Delphine Moralis appointed new Chief Executive of the EFC

Delphine Moralis has been appointed the new EFC Chief Executive, and will take up the position officially in September. Delphine is currently Secretary General of…