
News - 11 July 2024

EU Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (EU AML/CFT) Package published

The EU Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (EU AML/CFT) Package was finally published in the Official Journal of the European Union on 19…
News - 9 July 2024

Philea Forum 2025

The Philea Forum 2025 will take place in Lisbon, Portugal on 3-6 June, hosted by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian. More details will follow soon. Contact Marta…
News - 18 June 2024

On the need for strong civil society

More than 40% of the population around the world are eligible to vote this year, but representative democracy, while essential, is not sufficient for lively democracies.
News - 18 June 2024

The EU election results confirm the need to stand up for democracy, rule of law, fundamental rights and civil society space

The EU elections showed that with a large number of Eurosceptic and far-right MEPs entering the European Parliament, there is an urgent need to stand up for the EU, democracy,…
News - 17 June 2024

Philea issues statement of concern about “foreign agent type of law” in Slovakia

Philea is concerned about Slovakia’s attempts to introduce a “foreign agent type of law” that would label civil society organisations in receipt of more than €5,000 per year in foreign funding as an “organisation with foreign support”. The Slovak Parliament already approved the bill at the first reading in April and it is now in its second reading in Bratislava.
News - 3 June 2024

What if every young person in Europe votes?

More than 41 million young Europeans will be allowed to vote for the first time in the upcoming European Elections between 6-9 June, with two million under-18 year olds in Germany alone. While we all wonder what they will vote for, it is equally important to ask: will they vote at all?
News - 15 May 2024

Restoring trust and hope in Europe’s future

Rebuilding trust and re-engaging citizens requires a fundamental shift – a renewal of the social contract that places citizens’ hopes, fears, and ideas at the heart of shaping a Europe that works for all.
News - 7 May 2024

Equal in the right to vote

When it comes to guaranteeing equal rights and opportunities to all members of society, there is a lot of work to be done, and even more so when we talk about the most vulnerable groups, such as people with disabilities. The philanthropy sector can and should use its resources, including its networks, experience and knowledge to support this equality.
News - 16 April 2024

Barrow Cadbury Trust – Feeling the Heat

Climate change is already impacting the people, places and causes that foundations care about. Still, for a variety of reasons, philanthropy practitioners often struggle to translate their awareness and…
News - 3 April 2024

How affordable housing helps tackle social inequality: The Community Land Trust Model

Community Land Trust Brussels (CLTB) develops permanently affordable housing projects in Brussels for people with limited means on collectively-owned land.