
News - 21 February 2023

Investing in the future of Europe: InvestEU and the role of National Promotional Institutions

The Centre for European Policy Studies and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti will host the policy workshop “Investing in…
News - 17 February 2023

Diving into the “EU Philanthropic Capital study” – Mission-Related Investments and Foundations

In partnership with DG ECFIN, Philea will host “Diving into the “EU Philanthropic Capital study” – Mission-Related Investments and Foundations” on 7 March, to explore the…
News - 15 February 2023

One step that can significantly increase your listening process

When foundations publicise that they listen to the ones they support, do they also publicise how the voices heard were addressed? How do those voices influence decision-making?
News - 14 February 2023

The quiet might of infrastructure: How philanthropy support organisations can catalyse transformation

Irrespective of where you are sitting in the philanthropy field, it is likely you have experienced a nagging sense of your work being dwarfed by the scale of intersecting environmental, economic and social crises. So the question is: are there alternatives?
News - 14 February 2023

A Bridge (not) too far

Taking place from 16-18 January, the BRIDGE Programme Retreat brought together the Chairs and co-Chairs of Philea’s Thematic Networks at Philanthropy House, Brussels. The goal? To engage in a joint programme aiming to increase mutual understanding among foundations, developing a common framework to foster cross-collaborations as well as a pathway to keep conversations going in future.
News - 9 February 2023

CEO Retreat for Philanthropy Infrastructure Members 2023

The CEO Retreat for Philanthropy Infrastructure Members will take place on 16-17 March, co-hosted with the French Foundation Centre at the Abbaye de Royaumont, France,…
News - 8 February 2023

Philanthropy for Ukraine | Exclusive Transatlantic Conversation with 2022 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Oleksandra Matviichuk

In partnership with the Council on Foundations, Community Foundations of Canada, Philanthropic Foundations Canada,…
News - 7 February 2023

Anti-money laundering: A risk-based approach to regulating non-profit organisations

NPOs are becoming used to dealing with terrorist financing regulations, but are they ready for a wave of new anti-money laundering regulations that may follow? Ben Evans examines the drivers behind these laws, and the dilemma for civil society on how to respond.
News - 6 February 2023

EU Climate Pact: Philea pledges to mobilise foundations on climate

On 31 January, Philea pledged to support the European Climate Pact by increasing the number of EU-based signatories to the #PhilanthropyForClimate initiative through the…
News - 6 February 2023

PEXspace on collaboration

The PEXcommunity will host “PEXspace on collaboration” online on 8 February exploring collaboration. With collaboration being a value shared by many philanthropy infrastructure organisations, members of the PEXcommunity felt…