Philea launches most comprehensive report ever on environmental philanthropy across Europe
22 May, 2023 – Today, Philea launched the 6th edition of its mapping, “Environmental Funding by European Foundations”. It is the most comprehensive report that has ever been published on…
“Environmental Funding by European Foundations” – Insights from Volume 6
On 6 June the European Environmental Funders Group will host a webinar sharing insights from the brand new report “Environmental Funding by European Foundations – volume 6”. Which countries in Europe receive…
Health and Climate Peer-Exchange for European Foundations: Health, Climate and Equity
The European Philanthropy Coalition for Climate will host the “Health and Climate Peer-Exchange for European Foundations” on 8 June to explore the nexus of climate, health…
Philanthropy Infrastructure Members Climate Peer-Exchange: Entry Points to Climate for Foundations
On 2 June, the European Philanthropy Coalition for Climate will host a “Philanthropy Infrastructure Members Climate Peer-Exchange” offering Philea’s philanthropy infrastructure members the opportunity to exchange…
European Environmental Funders Group – Strengthening Environmental Philanthropy in Central and Eastern Europe: The Western Balkans
The European Environmental Funders Group will meet on 22 May in Šibenik, Croatia, just before the Philea Forum 2023 to explore “Strengthening Environmental Philanthropy in Central and Eastern…
There is no small step for the climate emergency: Every effort is important
The Sabancı Foundation embarked on its climate journey a few years ago, especially motivated by several devastating disasters triggered by climate change. Taking small but concrete steps, the foundation has designed a road map and is now trying to integrate a climate lens into each of its programmes as well as being a model to other foundations in Turkey.
Registration open for Philea Forum 2023
Registration is now open for the Philea Forum 2023 “A New Compass for Europe: Forged in Crisis, Forward in Hope” in Šibenik from 23 – 25 May, hosted by the…