Aga Khan Development Network project company – Pamir Energy – wins prestigious Ashden Award
We are honoured that an Aga Khan Development Network project company – Pamir Energy – established in 2002 with the Government of Tajikistan and the …
News - 19 January 2017
Food sustainability: joining forces for a common goal
Our food system cannot feed us all. The world’s population is skyrocketing and climate change is affecting our planet. Facing the challenge of food sustainability is an urgent matter: we…
News - 15 November 2016
Championing Philanthropy
”Championing Philanthropy” came to Philanthropy House from 15 November 2016 to 15 March 2017, bringing to life a wide range of projects devised and carried out by members of…
News - 15 November 2016
Environmental funding – an overview
It is a pleasure for me to introduce the third EFC mapping of environmental funding by European foundations. In his forward to the mapping, European Commissioner for…
News - 19 August 2016
How can cities challenge inequality and foster inclusive growth?
This post originally appeared on the Ford Foundation Equals Change blog in April 2016 Inequality is rising across the world, but it is perhaps most visible in cities, where…
News - 21 March 2016
On Galicia’s Way of St. James: A Formula for Development via Technology Transfer
This post originally appeared on the Huffington Post on 8 March 2016 Galicia is a peripheral region in the north-west of Spain, a coastal area and the destination…
News - 17 February 2016
The European Climate Foundation’s monitoring and evaluation journey
“Why does the European Climate Foundation (ECF) monitor and evaluate?” This was the question that started the ECF’s M&E journey. The answers include: to help see where we are going,…