
News - 20 November 2017

Championing Philanthropy – ‘Diverse Democracy’

The exhibition ”Championing Philanthropy – ‘Diverse Democracy”’ was produced by the EFC and exhibited in Philanthropy House from 20 November 2017 to 11 January 2018. The exhibition showcased how…
News - 1 November 2017

Why Shrinking Civil Society Space Matters in International Development and Humanitarian Action (2017)

News - 2 June 2017

Massimo Lapucci (Fondazione CRT) elected new chair of the European Foundation Centre

Massimo Lapucci, Secretary General of Fondazione CRT, is the new Chair of the European Foundation Centre (EFC), based in Brussels. Lapucci, who takes up the position…
News - 1 May 2017

Boosting Cross-Border Philanthropy in Europe: Towards a Tax-Effective Environment (2017)