
News - 7 October 2019

A new role for the EFC

Congratulations EFC on celebrating 30 years of fruitful networking and peer-learning! As a relative newcomer to the philanthropic sector, I already feel welcome: through an inspiring first meeting with Gerry…
News - 4 October 2019


SIGNs of CHANGE, created by the SIGN Network marks their 10th anniversary and was on display in Philanthropy House from 4 October to 10 January, 2020.
News - 2 October 2019

TIEPOLO sees two participants from Kultura Nova spend time working with colleagues in Amsterdam and London

This month two TIEPOLISTs from Kultura Nova, based in Zagreb, joined the TIEPOLO exchange programme and spent time working, sharing and learning with colleagues from the…
News - 1 October 2019

The Institutional Philanthropy Spectrum: The EFC’s knowledge framework for understanding European philanthropy (2019)

News - 30 September 2019

The 4th edition of the Philanthropic Leadership Platform – China-Europe took to Beijing to share experiences, ideas and inspirations on an intercontinental level

The 4th edition of the Philanthropic Leadership Platform – China-Europe took place in Beijing from 15 to 22 September and provided countless opportunities for its 20 participants to…
News - 30 September 2019

EFC AGA and Conference 2020 trailer wins Cannes Corporate award

  Allegrofilm and ERSTE Stiftung have won an award for the trailer to the EFC AGA and Conference 2020 ”Foundations…
News - 19 September 2019

Next exhibition to visit Philanthropy House announced – SIGNs of CHANGE by SIGN Network

  The next exhibition to be displayed in Philanthropy House will be SIGNs of CHANGE by the SIGN Network, created in celebration of their…
News - 18 September 2019

SIGNs of CHANGE – 10th Anniversary of SIGN Network exhibition opening

  The latest exhibition to be displayed in Philanthropy House, SIGNs of CHANGE, provided by the SIGN Network will have an opening event…
News - 17 September 2019

An unorthodox meeting becomes a 30-year partnership

One early morning in August 1990, Mott Foundation Chairman Bill White was on a tour bus in Krakow, Poland, while attending the Johns Hopkins Second Annual International Fellows in Philanthropy…
News - 16 September 2019

Why are we doing this? How foundations are thinking differently about their missions

Historically foundation activity has largely meant grant giving, and as grant givers much of our attention has focussed on “how” questions: How do we communicate our requirements? How do we…