
News - 25 January 2021

Dafne announces new Board of Directors

Dafne (Donors and Foundations Networks in Europe) has announced the newest appointments to its Board of Directors, including the election of Carola Carazzone, Secretary General,…
News - 21 January 2021

Participants selected for the EFC Philanthropic Leadership Platform: Russia-Europe 2021

A group of 20 philanthropy professionals from Russia and Europe have been selected for the Philanthropic Leadership Platform: Russia-Europe 2021, an EFC exchange programme aiming to enable participants to…
News - 13 January 2021

PEXforum 2021

PEXforum 2021 will take place online on 27-28 January, co-hosted by Dafne and Ariadne and facilitated by SenseTribe. The…
News - 17 December 2020

Thanks and best wishes to Maria Orejas who leaves the EFC for an exciting new venture

After 11 amazing years at the EFC our Policy and Programmes Director Maria Orejas-Chantelot is taking up an exciting new challenge and as a result will leave the EFC at…
News - 17 December 2020

Europhilantopics 2020: Challenging times – How can philanthropy stay ahead of the curve?

The twin global crises of COVID-19 and the climate emergency topped the agenda at the EFC’s annual Europhilantopics meeting, which brought together philanthropy representatives from EFC member organisations and policymakers…
News - 16 December 2020

End of year video message and interview with Angel Font and Delphine Moralis

EFC Chair Angel Font and Chief Executive Delphine Moralis gave their thoughts on what has been a challenging but watershed year for philanthropy and the EFC, and look ahead to…
News - 16 December 2020

Dafne and EFC launch new edition of foundation law country profiles

Philanthropy Advocacy, the joint Dafne and EFC initiative, has launched the 5th edition of the “The Legal Environment for Philanthropy in Europe”. This mapping consists of country profiles detailing the…
News - 9 December 2020

Climate Philanthropy Networks in Europe Mapping (2020)

News - 8 December 2020

Patrick Gaspard to step down as President of Open Society Foundations and be replaced by Mark Malloch-Brown

Open Society Foundations has announced that Patrick Gaspard will step down as President and be replaced by Mark Malloch-Brown, former UN deputy…
News - 1 December 2020

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Ban Ki-moon and Wellcome Trust headline new issue of Alliance magazine on global health philanthropy

Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organisation, Ban Ki-moon and the Wellcome Trust have headlined the latest issue of…