• Philea publishes “2025 Democracy Briefer for Funders: What’s Happening to European Democracy and What Funders Can Do About It”

    A new report by the Democracy Network exploring democratic backsliding, its causes and potential solutions
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  • Philea Forum 2025 – Power and Equality: A Balancing Act

    The Philea Forum 2025 will take place in Lisbon, Portugal on 2-5 June, exploring “Power and Equality: A Balancing Act”, hosted by Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.
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  • Philea publishes “Climate Change and Philanthropy Infrastructure: Supporting the Ecosystem to Act” a directory of actors strengthening climate philanthropy

    A new report by the European Philanthropy Coalition for Climate highlighting the role of philanthropy infrastructure organisations in strengthening the philanthropic sector’s efforts to address the climate crisis
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Philea nurtures a diverse and inclusive ecosystem of foundations, philanthropic organisations and networks working for the common good. We help our members to get inspired, act together and achieve greater impact by sharing data and knowledge, exchanging best practices, connecting around common themes, engaging in policy work, and more.

Cross-cutting Themes


We are now well into the 10-year countdown to slow the warming of our planet. In this decisive decade, actions taken by markets, governments and citizens will determine liveability on our planet for the next century.


Democracies across the world have faced unprecedented challenges in recent years ‒ from narrowing civic space, to curtailment of freedom and equality, to the spread of misinformation.


Philea members have pointed to striving for equality as an urgent issue that must be addressed by philanthropy now and in the coming years. Rising economic inequality has exacerbated virtually all of the problems philanthropy works on.
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