EuroPhilantopics 2024: New EU Mandate, New Partnerships with Philanthropy

EuroPhilantopics 2024 will take place on 3 December in Brussels under the heading “New EU Mandate, New Partnerships with Philanthropy”.
EuroPhilantopics serves as a crucial platform for identifying common goals, sharing best practices and forging partnerships to address shared challenges collaboratively. This annual flagship event brings together representatives of the EU institutions and philanthropy, to explore common values, partnerships and more.
Given the context of the new EU political cycle for 2024-2029, it will be an opportunity for incoming EU representatives to learn more about the European philanthropy landscape, as well as for philanthropic organisations to exchange with policymakers about upcoming EU priorities and the role philanthropy can play to move towards a society that works for people and the planet at a time where many individuals feel left behind. This year’s edition of EuroPhilantopics coincides with the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, and GivingTuesday 2024, which will be reflected in the conversations.
Philanthropic organisations and donors, be they local or international, small or large actors, are a cornerstone of our pluralistic societies. They promote new ideas and innovation, act as catalysts and bridge builders, and respond in agile ways to new developments. They are rooted in their territories and demonstrate the capacity to mobilise and engage citizens and local stakeholders. A unique characteristic of philanthropy is its ability to respond in real time to the critical challenges facing our societies, while simultaneously taking a longer-term view. Philanthropy, along with wider civil society and social economy, needs an enabling environment to unleash its full potential and we call on national and EU policymakers to implement our Manifesto.
As Europe kickstarts a new mandate, it is imperative that all stakeholders seize the opportunity to collaborate, innovate and co-create solutions that advance the common good. President Ursula von der Leyen’s Political Guidelines clearly recognise that “our greatest challenges can only be solved through joint action”. By harnessing the unique added value of both sectors, we can chart a path towards a more prosperous, inclusive and sustainable future for all Europeans.