
News - 27 January 2020

Andrew Crook, charity law expert, passes away

The EFC is deeply saddened by the loss of Andrew Crook who passed away as a result of complications following heart surgery last week. Andrew, an expert in charity law…
News - 27 January 2020

Applications open for the Journalism Funders Forum Mentorship Programme

The Journalism Funders Forum has opened up applications for the its Mentorship Programme, a professional programme aimed at staff in the philanthropic sector that will seek…
News - 27 January 2020

POSTPONED – EESC Policy Debate – “It’s time to realise the potential of Philanthropy”

++ This meeting has now been POSTPONED, further details will follow soon. For any questions, please contact Hanna Surmatz ++ The European Economic…
News - 21 January 2020

Webinar – ”Spotlight On: Enabling Environment experiences from the WINGS networks”

WINGS will host a webinar ”Spotlight On: Enabling Environment experiences from the WINGS networks” on 28 January at 15:00 UTC. The webinar will seek to…
News - 10 December 2019

Unpacking diversity and inclusion, grantee indirect costs and change management with the Operations Professionals Network

The autumn meeting of the EFC’s Operations Professionals Network (OPN) brought together 50 operations experts from 13 EFC members to engage and learn with peers on 2-3 December in…
News - 9 December 2019


The Philanthropy Europe Networks Forum, or PEXforum2020, takes place on 23-24 January 2020 in Madrid offering 120 participants from national, regional and European philanthropy support organisations…
News - 26 November 2019

EVPA publishes new report ”15 Years of Impact” and encourages the sector to sign the newly launched ”Charter of Investors for Impact”

The European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) has published a new report ”15 Years of Impact”, providing a comprehensive analysis of the venture…
News - 15 November 2019

EFC announces the retirement of Gerry Salole and the search for a new Chief Executive

The European Foundation Centre has announced that its Chief Executive, Dr Gerry Salole, will retire in 2020 after 15 successful years leading the organisation. EFC Chair Massimo Lapucci shared that, “The…
News - 12 November 2019

EFC 30th anniversary event discusses the importance of philanthropy infrastructure at this critical crossroads for the sector

As part of the EFC’s 30th anniversary event, which took place at BOZAR in Brussels from 6-7 November, three dedicated sessions (including the annual Raymond Georis Debate) used the…
News - 12 November 2019

First ever Philanthropic Leadership Platform: Russia-Europe launched at the EFC 30th anniversary in Brussels

The first edition of the new Philanthropic Leadership Platform: Russia-Europe, undertaken in partnership with the Vladimir Potanin Foundation, helped 20 participants focus on how philanthropic organisations can co-create,…