
News - 4 February 2022

Betwixt and between: Banking foundations bridging legacy and better futures, societal and market forces

In 2021 the EFC co-organised a couple of peer exchanges together with Nordea-Fonden to create a space for foundations of banking origin to share experiences, challenges,…
News - 2 February 2022

Future of philanthropy: a global conversation

Alliance Magazine will host “Future of philanthropy: a global conversation” online on 10 February, the final conversation in a series of seven marking the organisation’s 25th…
News - 28 January 2022

The Human Rights Grantmaking Principles: a tool to transform philanthropy

As a field, human rights funding aims to move money to those working to protect and advance human rights. Yet, among funders who share that value, funding practices do not…
News - 28 January 2022

Unexpected parallels between philanthropy and taxation

At first sight, taxation and philanthropy have little in common. Whereas taxation is a coercive mechanism, through which states levy revenue and then reallocate it according their policy objectives, philanthropy…
News - 24 January 2022

SwissFoundations Symposium 2022

The SwissFoundations Symposium will take place on 1 September, 2022 at the Kultur und Kongresshaus in Aarau, Switzerland.
News - 20 January 2022

Civil Society Days 2022

The Civil Society Days 2022 will take place on 15-17 March, offering a chance for participants from civil society and the institutions to discuss "The EU as a driver of shared prosperity – civil society for an economy that works for people & the planet".
News - 20 January 2022

Time for Philanthropy

The president of the AEF, Javier Nadal, writes about the 5th edition of "Demos, Forum of Foundations and Civil Society", the reference event in Spain for the foundation sector that this year brought together professionals from all spheres to promote new approaches to respond to the most urgent needs of today's society.
News - 6 January 2022

Gerry Salole appointed as Chair of the Supervisory Board of the European Cultural Foundation

Gerry Salole, former Chief Executive of the EFC, has been appointed as Chair of the Supervisory Board of the European Cultural Foundation.
News - 7 December 2021

Winter Meeting 2022 – Building Resilience, Thriving in Uncertainty: The Role of Infrastructure Organisations

Uncertainty is one of the key challenges facing our societies in the twenty-first century. How can philanthropy infrastructure organisations keep up with the quickly changing philanthropy field? How to cope…
News - 25 November 2021

Philea Grantmakers East Forum 2021 – From the “what” to the “how” – The renewal process of the Grantmakers East Forum

The Grantmakers East Forum will host an online meeting on 16 December to discuss “From the “what” to the “how” – The renewal process of the Grantmakers East Forum”.