BRIDGE Programme Retreat

The BRIDGE Programme Retreat will take place on 16-18 January in Philanthropy House, Brussels, bringing together the Chairs and co-Chairs of Philea’s Thematic Networks to engage in a joint programme to tackle common issues, increase synergies, and enhance collaboration across the thematic groups.
The outbreak of the pandemic has deeply disrupted the work of global platforms, such as Philea. Restrictions on in-person meetings, travel, and public events – all of which lie at the very heart of networking, collaboration, and peer-learning – have flattened relations and made it ever so difficult to maintain a high-level of engagement online.
Adapting plans and activities within each Thematic Network took place when members were at the same time taking immediate measures internally, and in their programmatic and funding activities, in response to the Covid-19 pandemic. In addition to this, and as the emergency became “the new normal”, more existential questions started to rise: are we offering meaningful activities online that respond to the members’ emerging needs? How do we measure the impact of what we do in this new situation? How do we come together in a purposeful way?