
News - 6 July 2022

From dancing on the walls to dismantling them: A philanthropic landscape I’d like to see

It takes a certain type of person to scale a wall and dance on it almost upside down. Other than the two ballerinas doing just that on the final night…
News - 4 July 2022

German Foundation Congress 2022

The Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen will organise the German Foundation Congress on 28-30 September in Leipzig, looking at “Foundations – Shaping the future…
News - 1 July 2022

Organisational Development – Unpacking the Unconference 2022

Just before the start of the Philea Forum 2022, Philea hosted its first Organisational Development Support Unconference in Barcelona on 29 May, a self-organising event with no pre-determined agenda,…
News - 30 June 2022

Philea engages in 2022 Civil Society Days

From 15 to 17 March, the European Economic and Social Committee held its annual Civil Society Days. Under the overarching theme of “The European Union as…
News - 29 June 2022

A decade after the Stauffer and Persche cases, how has cross-border philanthropy changed in Spain?

In 2014, following the ruling of the European Court of Justice, the European Commission initiated an infringement procedure against Spain (N. 20134086) aiming at clarifying whether Spanish legislation on tax…
News - 28 June 2022

What are the key elements for success when it comes to foundations, science and equality? Highlights from the Research Forum Conference 2022

Four long years after the last Research Forum Conference in Hanover in 2018, the Research Forum came together in Lisbon on 21-22 April, at the home of…
News - 28 June 2022

New tools for collaboration between the European Union and philanthropy

InvestEU: Exploring ways for the EU and philanthropy to co-invest The European Commission, together with Philea and EVPA, invited the European foundation…
News - 27 June 2022

Zagoriy Foundation publishes “Charity in times of war” analysing NGO and charity sector in Ukraine since the Russian invasion

The Zagoriy Foundation has published “Charity in times of war” a qualitative study of the NGO and charity sector in Ukraine since…
News - 24 June 2022

IMM Heated Discussion – Taking on impact management and measurement burning topics

EVPA will host “IMM Heated Discussion – Taking on impact management and measurement burning topics” a webinar on 29 June exploring impact measurement and management. Investors for…
News - 23 June 2022

Data on Philanthropy – by us, for us – Making use of evidence for good

Register to attend Philea, in collaboration with the European Research Network On Philanthropy (ERNOP), will host…