
News - 7 April 2020

EFC membership survey identifies key challenges and trends resulting from COVID-19 outbreak

View the latest findings (PDF) At times like these, we see philanthropy put to the test – how can it best use the ‘diverse tool kit’ of which we…
News - 2 April 2020

Cultural welfare – What role can the arts play in the health and well-being of citizens?

The publication of the New Agenda for Culture by the European Commission in 2018 was a significant development for people working in the field of culture as it widened the…
News - 27 March 2020

Definitely Maybe: Europe’s moment of solidarity

This could be a strong European moment. A moment where people understand how important it is to have European friends who support each other, a moment when you share…
News - 26 March 2020

Italian and Chinese philanthropy join forces to face COVID-19

Italian and Chinese philanthropy are joining forces to face the COVID-19 in an innovative way, creating an aerial bridge for the transport and delivery of urgent medical and sanitary materials…
News - 26 March 2020

Philanthropy responds to 2020 Croatia earthquake

The recent earthquakes and resulting aftershocks, right in the midst of trying to deal with the coronavirus crisis, have placed a huge strain on resources in Croatia.  There are many…
News - 25 March 2020

We stand together in the spirit of European solidarity

European Philanthropy Statement on COVID-19: We stand together in the spirit of European solidarity We, the signatories, recognise that the COVID-19 outbreak is an exceptional event that will…
News - 24 March 2020

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation establish €5 million COVID-19 Emergency Fund

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has established a COVID-19 Emergency Fund, with an initial amount of €5 million, to strengthen the resilience of society to COVID-19. The…
News - 24 March 2020

Fondazione CRT join international call for increased availability of data in combating COVID-19

Fondazione CRT, together with The GovLab and ISI Foundation has promoted an international call for action aimed at…
News - 23 March 2020

we are community, we are Humana Civilitas

This blog is a message that Francesca Limana, Head of Communications at Fondazione Adriano Olivetti in Rome, sent on Friday to her friends and…
News - 23 March 2020

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation offer free online access to concerts, museum and educational resources

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has opened up access to a multitude of online materials in response to the closure of the facilities due to COVID-19. The…