
News - 26 September 2019

Call for SDG Acceleration Actions

The United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) has issued a call asking for organisations worldwide to register their…
News - 25 September 2019

Latest updates on the NPO coalition engagement with FATF and the outcomes of the 2019 EU SNRA

Check out the latest updates from the EFC and Philanthropy Advocacy initiative on the NPO coalition engagement with FATF and the outcomes of the 2019 EU SNRA. Philanthropy…
News - 24 September 2019

Call for ideas and speakers for 2020 EFC Annual Conference

We warmly invite you to join us in shaping the 2020 EFC AGA and Conference, “Foundations and the New Normal – How to Innovate Philanthropy?” to be held…
News - 17 September 2019

An unorthodox meeting becomes a 30-year partnership

One early morning in August 1990, Mott Foundation Chairman Bill White was on a tour bus in Krakow, Poland, while attending the Johns Hopkins Second Annual International Fellows in Philanthropy…
News - 16 September 2019

Philanthropy sector and NPO coalition engage with Financial Action Task Force

The philanthropic sector, represented by Hanna Surmatz from the EFC on behalf of the wider philanthropic infrastructure (WINGS), engaged with the Financial…
News - 15 September 2019

Philanthropy Prizes (2019)

News - 12 September 2019

European Cultural Foundation launch second round of Democracy Needs Imagination grants call

The European Cultural Foundation is launching a second round of grants calls for the Democracy Needs Imagination programme, following the…
News - 10 September 2019

A philanthropic coalition for climate emergency and social justice

We have ten years, ten short years left to activate the transition towards a global system able to limit climate change to 1.5 degrees Celsius. In addition to the environmental…
News - 9 September 2019

Paris Peace Forum 2019

The 2019 Paris Peace Forum will take place from 11-13 November. For its second edition, the Call for Projects of the Paris Peace Forum received more than 700 project submissions…
News - 6 September 2019

The Troubles with Brexit

After 40 years of conflict in Northern Ireland, the Good Friday agreement ushered in a period of relative peace and stability in the northwest corner of Europe. But the unintended…