
News - 25 March 2020

We stand together in the spirit of European solidarity

European Philanthropy Statement on COVID-19: We stand together in the spirit of European solidarity We, the signatories, recognise that the COVID-19 outbreak is an exceptional event that will…
News - 25 March 2020

Flexibility and freedom of foundation funding can boost third sector during Coronavirus crisis

This article first appeared in Vita on 16 March. The English translation first appeared in Alliance on 17 March. Let’s…
News - 24 March 2020

Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation establish €5 million COVID-19 Emergency Fund

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation has established a COVID-19 Emergency Fund, with an initial amount of €5 million, to strengthen the resilience of society to COVID-19. The…
News - 24 March 2020

Fondazione CRT join international call for increased availability of data in combating COVID-19

Fondazione CRT, together with The GovLab and ISI Foundation has promoted an international call for action aimed at…
News - 23 March 2020

we are community, we are Humana Civilitas

This blog is a message that Francesca Limana, Head of Communications at Fondazione Adriano Olivetti in Rome, sent on Friday to her friends and…
News - 20 March 2020

EFC and COVID-19 – let’s get through this together

The COVID-19 outbreak has been having a significant impact on all of us, and on behalf of everyone at the EFC we want you to know that we are with…
News - 19 March 2020

Fondazione CRT allocate €3 million for the purchase of medical transport and equipment for the Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta regions

Fondazione CRT has allocated €3 million for the purchase of medical transports and hospital equipment for use in hospitals in the Piedmont and Valle d’Aosta regions.
News - 18 March 2020

UK foundations launch joint funder statement on COVID-19

A group of UK foundations and funders have launched a joint statement committing themselves to the continued support of all the organisations they fund as they…
News - 17 March 2020

COVID-19 Response Fund launched by WHO and UN Foundation with the support of Transnational Giving Europe

A COVID-19 Response Fund has been launched by the WHO and UN Foundation, with the support of the…
News - 16 March 2020

“Our Goals”

The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) concern us all. They deal with how we interact with each other, society and nature. A new initiative has been…