What does solidarity look like in times of coronavirus?
Whether you are adjusting to a new reality of sheltering in place, struck by major economic shifts, or have impacted loved ones –– one sure thing is that you…
News - 14 April 2020
EPIM emergency response to humanitarian needs in Greece
Covid-19 and measures taken to control the outbreak in European societies are particularly affecting people in already vulnerable situations, including migrants who are living in large-scale reception facilities, camps and…
News - 8 April 2020
European Philanthropy calls for effective solidarity across borders concerning COVID 19
COVID-19 doesn’t recognise borders, and neither should philanthropy in Europe. In a letter dated 8 April, the EFC and DAFNE have called on the Presidents of the EU…
News - 8 April 2020
European Commission host EUvsVirus Hackathon to develop solutions and overcome coronavirus-related challenges
The European Commission is hosting a pan-European hackathon EUvsVirus on 24-26 April, bringing together international teams in search of…
News - 7 April 2020
Stavros Niarchos Foundation announce Global Relief Initiative of $100 million to address the impact of COVID-19
The Stavros Niarchos Foundation has announced the Global Relief Initiative, dedicating $100 million towards addressing the unprecedented challenges and impact posed by COVID-19. The pandemic…
News - 7 April 2020
EFC membership survey identifies key challenges and trends resulting from COVID-19 outbreak
View the latest findings (PDF) At times like these, we see philanthropy put to the test – how can it best use the ‘diverse tool kit’ of which we…
News - 6 April 2020
Journalism Funders Forum Funder-Only Digital Roundtable
The Journalism Funders Forum will host a funder-only digital roundtable on 8 April at 15:00 CEST to discuss issues related to COVID-19, including the impact of…
News - 6 April 2020
European Cultural Foundation launches the Culture of Solidarity Fund
The European Cultural Foundation has launched the Culture of Solidarity Fund seeking to support cultural initiatives that reinforce European solidarity in the…
News - 1 April 2020
Philanthropy cannot self-isolate, and good ideas should never be quarantined
This article was originally posted on 27th March in Alliance Magazine. We are inundated, and appalled, every day with images, data and words all…
News - 27 March 2020
Definitely Maybe: Europe’s moment of solidarity
This could be a strong European moment. A moment where people understand how important it is to have European friends who support each other, a moment when you share…