
News - 2 March 2021

Addressing the dual crises of climate breakdown and deepening inequality

The dual crises of inequality and climate change call for urgent, bold action. These crises represent the visible manifestation of a broken economic system – one that no longer protects…
News - 23 February 2021

EFC Diversity, Migration and Integration Thematic Network webinar – Framing the narrative around migration during COVID-19 and beyond

Register on Cvent The EFC’s Diversity, Migration and Integration Thematic Network will hold a webinar on 17 March, 15:00-16:30 CET, with the…
News - 18 February 2021

Philanthropy Australia National Conference 2021 – What does the future need from us, now?

The Philanthropy Australia National Conference 2021, “What does the future need from us, now?” will take place online on 21-22 April and 5-6 May focussing on…
News - 16 February 2021

WINGSForum2021 – Philanthropy and the digital revolution

WINGS, as part of the year long WINGSForum2021, will host a session on 18 February looking at “Philanthropy…
News - 15 February 2021

Fondation de Luxembourg approved as signatory of UN Principles for Responsible Investment

Fondation de Luxembourg has been approved as a signatory of the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). As of December 2020, the…
News - 11 February 2021

As part of IVAR pledge, 40 UK funders commit to be more open and trusting with grantees

Over 40 UK funders have committed to being more open, flexible and trusting with grantees, as part of a new pledge, #FlexibleFunders, launched by the…
News - 1 February 2021

ERNOP launches Science and Society Seminar Series 2021

The global pandemic, climate change, migration, polarisation and the rise of artificial intelligence requires every societal actor, including philanthropy, to do better, more, or different. An important source for innovation…
News - 29 January 2021

Compagnia di San Paolo publishes Strategic Plan 2021-2024

On 29 January 2021, Francesco Profumo, Chair of the Compagnia di San Paolo and Alberto Anfossi, its Secretary-General, presented the Turin-based foundation’s Policy Guidelines for…
News - 25 January 2021

What next? with Baroness Manningham-Buller

Maecenata Stiftung will host “What next?”, a discussion with Baroness Manningham-Buller, Chair of Wellcome Trust, on dealing with…
News - 18 January 2021

Keeping dialogue open, working together, and building back better

Read the original version of this blog in Greek on the HIGGS CSU website 2020 will be remembered as the year COVID-19 upended every…