
News - 18 July 2022

Czech EU Presidency, the War in Ukraine, and the role of philanthropy

From 1 July to 31 December, the Council of the European Union is being chaired by the Czech Republic. While the French presidency was marked by a clear commitment toward…
News - 11 July 2022

Towards more engaged philanthropy infrastructure

What is on the hearts and minds of the leaders of philanthropy infrastructure organisations? In this interview, Rana Kotan, Secretary General, the Third Sector Foundation of Turkey (TUSEV) and Delphine…
News - 7 July 2022

KoneKtor – Philanthropy East Forum – Resilience in times of crisis

The KoneKtor – Philanthropy East Forum (formerly Grantmakers East Forum) will host its annual meeting on 27-29 September in Warsaw, Poland, exploring “Resilience in times of crisis”, hosted…
News - 5 July 2022

Vice-President Schinas recognises role of philanthropy in fighting for European values in the context of Ukraine and beyond

European Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas has highlighted philanthropy’s role in promoting the same values of integration, fairness, and inclusion that have driven the EU’s assistance of…
News - 27 June 2022

Zagoriy Foundation publishes “Charity in times of war” analysing NGO and charity sector in Ukraine since the Russian invasion

The Zagoriy Foundation has published “Charity in times of war” a qualitative study of the NGO and charity sector in Ukraine since…
News - 24 June 2022

The New European Bauhaus (NEB) and philanthropy

On 9 June, the European Commission kick-started The Festival of The New European Bauhaus (NEB): four days of webinars, debates, expert panels, and art exhibitions where the “…
News - 10 June 2022

PeaceNexus Foundation open “Environment and Peace” call for proposals

The PeaceNexus Foundation has opened an “Environment and Peace” call for proposals seeking environmental/climate change/conservation organisations that are active in fragile contexts…
News - 9 June 2022

“Philanthropy United – The Time is Now” – the highlights from the Philea Forum 2022

The Philea Forum 2022 took place on 30 May - 1 June 2022 in Barcelona, hosted by "la Caixa" Foundation, exploring "Philanthropy United - The Time is Now".
News - 9 June 2022

EEFG Webinar Series – The Just Ecological Transition – The critical role of transport

EEFG Webinar Series – The Just Ecological Transition – The critical role of transport The European Environmental Funders Group (EEFG) will host the first webinar in…
News - 9 June 2022

“Standing with Ukraine: How philanthropy can do its part next to EU action” A conversation with Vice President Margaritis Schinas

At the next “Philanthropy for Ukraine” event on the 14 June (16:00-17:00 CET), Vice President of the European Commission Margaritis Schinas will join sector leaders for…