
News - 22 November 2021

Philea European Environmental Funders Group meeting – Systemic resistance to sustainability ‒ How can foundations trigger social and political change? 

Register to attend Philea’s European Environmental Funders Group (EEFG) will host its autumn meeting “Systemic resistance to sustainability ‒ How can foundations trigger social…
News - 11 November 2021

What if every foundation cared about climate?

The time for what ifs is decidedly over – every foundation needs to care about the climate crisis, because everything you hold dear and do is impacted by and impacts…
News - 10 November 2021

Call for session proposals for 2022 European Philanthropy Conference

The call for proposals is now closed. The night is darkest just before the dawn. Against the backdrop of the greatest crisis faced since World…
News - 8 November 2021

Investing with a climate lens with the Philanthropic Leadership Platform: India-Europe

The third webinar of the first edition of the Philanthropic Leadership Platform: India-Europe, undertaken in partnership with the Asian Venture Philanthropy Association (AVPN), took place on…
News - 27 October 2021

Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity awarded to Global Covenant of Mayors

The Gulbenkian Prize for Humanity has been awarded to the Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy (GCoM) for its climate leadership across…
News - 25 October 2021

Dafne: What if every foundation cared about climate?

Dafne will host “What if every foundation cared about climate?” the second event of the What if? Reimagining philanthropy event series on 27…
News - 25 October 2021

Press release: Time is running out: Europe’s philanthropy sector needs imagination, boldness and inclusion to unleash its full potential

Vienna, 22 October 2021 – The annual conference of the European Foundation Centre (EFC) came to a successful close this week. For three days, discussions among around 400 representatives of…
News - 12 October 2021

EFC, ClimateWorks Foundation and The Hour is Late publish “Foundation funding for climate change mitigation”

View the report The EFC, the ClimateWorks Foundation and The Hour is Late have published “Foundation funding for climate…
News - 12 October 2021

Foundation funding for climate change mitigation: Europe spotlight (2021)

News - 10 October 2021

Why fund climate justice?

I was 16 when I saw the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” and became acutely aware of the severity and urgency of the climate crisis. When choosing where I…