Two new studies signal increased collaboration between philanthropy and the EU institutions
The European Investment Bank (EIB) Advisory Hub and the European Commission have recently published two key studies supporting a more enabling environment for our sector.
- On 22 November, linked to the European Commission’s InvestEU programme, the European Investment Bank Advisory Hub published the “Philanthropic Capital Study”. Intended to enhance collaboration between philanthropy and the EU institutions, the report proposes a common framework for EU institutions and foundations to reach the European Commission’s sustainable goals.
- On 29 November, the European Commission Joint Research Centre released a report on innovative ecosystems on philanthropy and crowdfunding. The study aims to place foundations in the context of the New European Bauhaus Lab on Innovative Financing, where Philea holds a seat along with other institutional actors.
These publications have been released at a very timely moment, just before EuroPhilantopics 2022, where Philea members and representatives from the European institutions will discuss common solutions to tackle current crises.
As announced in the Social Economy Action Plan (pages 18 and 22), the European Commission is now considering new paths to working together with our sector. The initiatives are indeed to be part of a larger exercise looking at ways for the European Union and philanthropy to work more structurally together, and to scale their impact through co-investment and collaboration.
Philea and the European Commission are organising an event on the Philanthropic Capital study in early March 2023 to inform the philanthropic sector. The researchers who worked on the publication will present key findings and representatives from foundations will share their experience.
If you would like to know more, get in touch.