
Scaling Impact for Social Investors
The European Venture Philanthropy Association (EVPA) is organising a course on Scaling Impact for Social Investors, in cooperation with the Catolica Lisbon Business School, in…
How not to lose trust and miss a window of opportunity
As the general set up of Europe underwent fundamental changes in 1989, it seemed that European foundations were getting their act together to help trigger them. One might remember this…
The European foundation sector has come a long way
The early days I am somewhat in awe of the pioneering vision and optimism shown by the foundations that came together to found the EFC in 1989 and also of…
Wake up, philanthropy!
Anyone who has ever been to Augsburg knows that it has a city within the city. I mean the Fuggerei, the oldest existing social settlement in the world. Here, surrounded…

“The place where operations professionals can speak their language and be completely understood” – Operations Professionals Network summer meeting 2019
The EFC’s Operations Professionals Network (OPN) held its summer meeting on 8-9 July 2019 in Philanthropy House, Brussels, to open up discussions and dialogue on topical operational issues…
The writing is on the wall
I read all the stories that were submitted to the EFC for our 30th anniversary blogs with delight. I am thrilled at the richness and sheer diversity of storytelling and…

Verena Ringler leads call for an #EUCitizenCommissioner
The European strategy expert, and proposed candidate for Austrian EU Commissioner by opposition party NEOS, Verena Ringler, has led a call for an EU Citizen Commissioner, to support citizen relations…