
News - 13 June 2023

European Commission delivers new policy to enable philanthropy sector   

It is a big day for Philea and philanthropy! The European Commission announced today its recommendations to Member States to ease barriers to cross-border philanthropy and to work towards a broadly enabling environment for our sector and the wider social economy, two outcomes Philea has strongly advocated for in its European Philanthropy Manifesto. 
News - 5 June 2023

Strengthening practice in challenging times

Foundations are building on their strengths to improve the ways they are tackling the multiple crises facing the world today. ACF publishes research on foundations and provides tools for foundations to use to improve their practice.
News - 2 June 2023

Webinar | New EU anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing policy and its impact on activity of foundations and associations

Philea and Civil Society Europe are hosting a webinar exploring “New EU anti-money laundering and counter terrorism financing policy and its impact on activity of foundations…
News - 1 June 2023

Proposed EU Directive on foreign interference to be further assessed

At the European Plenary session on 1 June 2023, Commission Vice-President Jourova announced that an impact assessment will be carried out concerning the proposed EU Directive to “prevent covert foreign…
News - 19 May 2023

Be Philanthropy 2023 identifies trends, opportunities and challenges for philanthropy

“Be Philanthropy 2023”, organised by the King Baudouin Foundation, highlighted trends, opportunities and challenges in Belgian and European philanthropy, welcoming more than 1,100 representatives of the philanthropic ecosystem.
News - 19 May 2023

Philanthropic focus on impact is undeniable, but are funding and measurement practices setting us up for success?

Most philanthropic organisations aim for North Stars (creating more just societies, and climate positive economies), yet continue funding and measuring progress in ways that are not commensurate with the ambitions of the work. Expanding the toolbox to encompass flexible funding, and plural learning practices, is urgently needed to turbocharge new social change strategies and ways of working.
News - 18 May 2023

PEXforum 2024

PEXforum 2024 will take place on 25-26 January 2024 in Rome, co-hosted with Acri and Assifero, bringing together philanthropy infrastructure professionals…
News - 8 May 2023

Be Philanthropy: A View from Canada

Pandemic, war, inflation and social unrest have darkened the mood in Europe. The climate crisis and global migration are putting great pressures on European societies. To be purposefully philanthropic, to be boldly engaged, as this conference reminded us, we need courage and an openness to listening and learning from each other.
News - 5 May 2023

United Nations recognises foundations as key social economy actor in new landmark resolution on social economy

The United Nations General Assembly has adopted a new resolution on “Promoting the social and solidarity economy for sustainable development” in which it recognises foundations as…
News - 4 May 2023

“Creating space to imagine a radically different tomorrow” with Futures Philanthropy

Philea, the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies and the PEXcommunity hosted a special edition of “What if? Reimagining philanthropy” on 20 April to launch Philea’s…