
News - 24 October 2017

Rethinking Poverty: What makes a good society?

This post originally appeared on the Webb Memorial Trust website The title of this book, Rethinking Poverty – What makes a good society?,…
News - 24 October 2017

Civil Society under threat: why protecting and growing civil society globally is vital

This post originally appeared on the Barrow Cadbury Trust website The Barrow Cadbury Trust was set up by husband and wife, Barrow and Geraldine…
News - 25 September 2017

Stand with us!: activists call funders to action

In communities globally, feminist groups led by women, girls, and trans and intersex[1] people are collectively organising to make the world more peaceful, democratic and fair. At the same…
News - 4 September 2017

Recognition, Solidarity, Hope: Helping marginalised women participate more fully in society

Two years ago, I sat with some young women in a programme the Aga Khan Foundation runs in Uttar Pradesh. They held hands or leaned on each other. Some had…
News - 10 August 2017

Open Dialogue and the Future of Philanthropy

How Open Dialogue among politicians can help Europe move beyond crisis and why the philanthropic sector should invest more in conversation spaces Caspar Kolster, Mercator European Dialogue Programme Assistant &…
News - 15 June 2017

10 tech issues that will impact social justice in 2017

his post originally appeared on the excellent Ford Foundation Equals Change blog earlier this year. In our increasingly complex and interconnected world, innovations in technology and data are…
News - 1 June 2017

Institutional Philanthropy: A Focus On Disability (2017)

News - 14 March 2017

Communicating Philanthropy: who is listening?

I am taking the liberty to slightly rephrase the key question raised during the launch meeting of communications professionals in philanthropy, kindly hosted by the European Foundation Centre in Brussels…
News - 20 December 2016

May we all learn the true value of living and letting live

I am sitting in my office preparing for the closure of this year and thinking (rather than looking) forward to the beginning of the next and find little solace in…
News - 30 August 2016

Against all odds – making gains for LGBTI communities across Africa

Organisations across Africa are working under difficult circumstances to improve human rights for LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) people and to help them gain equality, dignity and justice. Often,…