
News - 12 April 2019

OECD Forum 2019

The OECD Forum brings together high-level government representatives, from OECD member countries and key partners, with stakeholders from civil society, business, trade unions, philanthropy, academia and media to discuss world…
News - 12 April 2019

Ariadne and the European Community Organizing Network publish joint study ”Making a way forward”

Ariadne and the European Community Organizing Network have published a joint study ”Making a way forward: Community Organising and the Future…
News - 9 April 2019

The Economist features the EFC’s ”Data on Foundations” map in their Digital Philanthropy Toolbox

The Economist has recently released their Digital Philanthropy Toolbox and have included the EFC’s ”Data on Foundations” map as part…
News - 6 April 2019

EFC European Environmental Funders Group explores Circular Economy in Italy

The European Environmental Funders Group (EEFG) hosted its Spring Meeting 2019 on ”Circular Economy: role and opportunities for the philanthropic sector”, in the Cariplo Factory,…
News - 3 April 2019

404 Error? The European Democracy network delves into digital literacy and its role in democracy

The European Democracy network Spring Meeting on the 18th March plunged its participants and members of the network into a multitude of discussions on what digital literacy is,…
News - 2 April 2019

The Active Citizens Fund roadshow, co-operated by the Bodossaki Foundation finishes capacity building tour of Greece

The Active Citizens Fund in Greece has completed a month long roadshow touring Greece to present to civil society and local authority representatives the aims and key…
News - 28 March 2019

The EFC’s Research Forum publishes report on its 2018 conference in Hanover

The EFC’s Research Forum has published the report for its Hanover conference, titled ”Thinking beyond national borders – research and funding across boundaries”, that occurred at Herrenhausen…
News - 25 March 2019

The Carnegie UK Trust releases report following the conclusion of its Twin Towns project

The Carnegie UK Trust has released a report, ”Journeys of Understanding: Domestic twinning as an approach to improving town capacity and wellbeing” with…
News - 19 March 2019

Get involved with a new study on philanthropy’s role in producing safe, healthy and just societies

Candid (formerly the Foundation Center) and Centris (Rethinking Poverty) are conducting a new study on philanthropy’s role in producing safe, healthy and just societies and…
News - 17 March 2019

MacArthur Foundation launches ‘100&Change’ competition for single $100 million grant

MacArthur is launching 100&Change, our competition for a single $100 million grant to help solve one of the world’s most critical social challenges. 100&Change remains open to organisations and…