
News - 31 July 2020

Supporting communities on the frontlines of conflict

“The official advice is that it is too dangerous,”  Marina says.  She hands me the phone, and I say, “But I have promised to go.” We haggle and eventually reach…
News - 27 July 2020

Fight for a shared future | Sino-Euro dialogue on civil society’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic

Civil society organisations (CSOs) have been in the frontline of the global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. In China, CSOs raised funds and organised volunteers to deliver essential supplies to…
News - 29 April 2020

Gerry Salole speaks at Caixin Global Webinar on ‘Building a global safety net against COVID-19’

On Monday 27 April, EFC Chief Executive Gerry Salole took part in a Caixin Global Webinar sharing philanthropic experiences battling the virus in China, the U.S.
News - 27 April 2020

Ursula von der Leyen announces the Coronavirus Global Response conference on 4 May

The European Commission’s President Ursula von der Leyen has announced the Coronavirus Global Response, an online pledging conference…
News - 23 April 2020

Introducing Unitus Europe – the new European Philanthropy and Social Investing Impact Hub. Your gateway to effectively support society’s survival and revival in times of COVID-19.

The current COVID-19 emergency is clearly surfacing and dramatically intensifying the systemic gaps in our societies. In creating the Unitus Europe…
News - 23 April 2020

Webinar – Beyond the Peak: GMF Coronavirus Update from Europe Views from Germany, Italy, and the United Kingdom

The German Marshall Fund of the United States is hosting a webinar on 23 April from 15:30 on the current political climate in Europe, and how…
News - 20 April 2020

EFC European Foundation Financial and Investment Officers Group webinar opens up exchanges on impact of COVID-19 on portfolios

On 2 April the European Foundation Financial and Investment Officers Group (EFFIO) held a webinar, replacing the EFFIO spring meeting, that was scheduled to take place on 1-3 April…
News - 15 April 2020

A Letter from the Frontline – Value of Croatian Civil Society in time of double crisis

This blog was first published on EURACTIV on 14 April. Civil society organisations have been significantly disrupted by the COVID-19 crisis. In Croatia the…
News - 14 April 2020

EPIM emergency response to humanitarian needs in Greece

Covid-19 and measures taken to control the outbreak in European societies are particularly affecting people in already vulnerable situations, including migrants who are living in large-scale reception facilities, camps and…
News - 8 April 2020

European Commission host EUvsVirus Hackathon to develop solutions and overcome coronavirus-related challenges

The European Commission is hosting a pan-European hackathon EUvsVirus on 24-26 April, bringing together international teams in search of…