
News - 18 August 2022

EESC presses for empowerment of European civil society in EU policy design

In the framework of the 2023 European Commission work programme, the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) has called for empowering European civil society and involving…
News - 10 August 2022

Community foundations in Europe: Movement building momentum

Community foundations took root in Europe in the 1980s. Since then, they have spread to 22 countries and evolved in their form and function, adapting to changing social, economic and…
News - 18 July 2022

Czech EU Presidency, the War in Ukraine, and the role of philanthropy

From 1 July to 31 December, the Council of the European Union is being chaired by the Czech Republic. While the French presidency was marked by a clear commitment toward…
News - 7 July 2022

Time for action – policymakers call on philanthropy to support implementation of the Social Economy Action Plan

Now is the time to put the Social Economy Action Plan into action, as policymakers are increasingly recognising the role that philanthropy plays in today’s societies. With the Social Economy…
News - 6 July 2022

From dancing on the walls to dismantling them: A philanthropic landscape I’d like to see

It takes a certain type of person to scale a wall and dance on it almost upside down. Other than the two ballerinas doing just that on the final night…
News - 5 July 2022

Vice-President Schinas recognises role of philanthropy in fighting for European values in the context of Ukraine and beyond

European Commission Vice-President Margaritis Schinas has highlighted philanthropy’s role in promoting the same values of integration, fairness, and inclusion that have driven the EU’s assistance of…
News - 30 June 2022

Philea engages in 2022 Civil Society Days

From 15 to 17 March, the European Economic and Social Committee held its annual Civil Society Days. Under the overarching theme of “The European Union as…
News - 29 June 2022

A decade after the Stauffer and Persche cases, how has cross-border philanthropy changed in Spain?

In 2014, following the ruling of the European Court of Justice, the European Commission initiated an infringement procedure against Spain (N. 20134086) aiming at clarifying whether Spanish legislation on tax…
News - 28 June 2022

New tools for collaboration between the European Union and philanthropy

InvestEU: Exploring ways for the EU and philanthropy to co-invest The European Commission, together with Philea and EVPA, invited the European foundation…
News - 27 June 2022

Zagoriy Foundation publishes “Charity in times of war” analysing NGO and charity sector in Ukraine since the Russian invasion

The Zagoriy Foundation has published “Charity in times of war” a qualitative study of the NGO and charity sector in Ukraine since…