Operations Professionals Network – From Insight to Impact: Harnessing AI and DEI

The Operations Professionals Network (OPN) will hold its Summer Meeting 2024 on 26-28 June, in Brussels, Belgium, exploring “From Insight to Impact: Harnessing AI and DEI”, with the King Baudouin Foundation.
In 2023, OPN focussed on Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in the Summer Meeting and on Artificial Intelligence in the Winter Meeting and these themes will be revisited in the first OPN Meeting of 2024. Taking stock of the key learnings from 2023 will be the aim in June, namely what OPN members have been able to achieve in these two areas so far, what challenges have members been confronted with and sharing winning tactics, strategies and tools to overcome these obstacles.
The first day of the Summer Meeting, 26 June, is only for COOs, the programme for the other four working groups (Finance, HR, IT and Legal) will commence at midday on 27 June with a working lunch.