
News - 15 April 2021

The Philanthropic Leadership Platform: Russia-Europe participants explore community regeneration and economic recovery

Read the highlights from the following session on 29 April The latest webinar of the 2021 Philanthropic Leadership Platform: Russia-Europe peer exchange programme took place…
News - 14 April 2021

A number of Danish foundations partner with Danish universities to establish artificial intelligence research centre in Denmark

A number of Danish foundations have entered into negotiations with a series of Danish universities to establish an artificial intelligence research centre in Denmark. The Danish…
News - 7 April 2021

Quid – The female-led social enterprise redesigning the Made in Italy label for public good

What is Quid? Quid is an award-winning Italian not-for-profit social enterprise committed to redesigning the Made in Italy fashion value chain for good: tackling at once,…
News - 31 March 2021

Brick by brick – Building an effective strategy for social housing in Europe

The EFC is organising “Brick by brick – Building an effective strategy for social housing in Europe” a conversation on 22 April looking at social housing in Europe, with foundations…
News - 19 March 2021

LEGO Foundation publishes new report “Learning Through Play” highlighting the importance of play to childhood development

The LEGO Foundation has published “Learning Through Play: increasing impact, reducing inequality”, a new report highlighting the important role of play in…
News - 3 March 2021

A warm EFC welcome to our newest affiliates!

The EFC welcomes its latest members and affiliates to its worldwide network of philanthropic organisations! To find out more on EFC membership and what it can provide visit …
News - 2 March 2021

Addressing the dual crises of climate breakdown and deepening inequality

The dual crises of inequality and climate change call for urgent, bold action. These crises represent the visible manifestation of a broken economic system – one that no longer protects…
News - 16 February 2021

WINGSForum2021 – Philanthropy and the digital revolution

WINGS, as part of the year long WINGSForum2021, will host a session on 18 February looking at “Philanthropy…
News - 15 February 2021

Fondation de Luxembourg approved as signatory of UN Principles for Responsible Investment

Fondation de Luxembourg has been approved as a signatory of the UN-supported Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI). As of December 2020, the…
News - 9 February 2021

Laudes Foundation marks first anniversary outlining vision for future

The Laudes Foundation has marked its first anniversary outlining its new strategy and vision for the future, in a letter published by…