
News - 22 March 2019

European Philanthropy Manifesto – Private resources for public good (2019)

News - 16 March 2019

Press release: European Philanthropy Manifesto launched on 20 March – please sign on!

On Wednesday 20 March the European Philanthropy Manifesto, including four key recommendations to introduce a Single Market for Philanthropy, was launched at Philanthropy House in Brussels…
News - 9 March 2019

Press release: European philanthropy sector pushes back on proposed Dutch law requiring disclosure of donor information

Brussels, 26 February – Responding to the recently proposed act on transparency of civil society organisations in the Netherlands, the EFC and DAFNE have filed a joint contribution…
News - 1 January 2019

Key Facts about European Philanthropy Working Internationally (2019)

News - 10 December 2018

2018 Grantmakers East Forum – Reframing Civil Society Actors, Values, Tools

The EFC’s 23rd annual Grantmakers East Forum (GEF) hosted by the Central European University in Budapest explored the role of foundations in confronting the new threats…
News - 10 October 2018

Philanthropic Leadership Platform: China-Europe 2018 Highlights

The third edition of the Philanthropic Leadership Platform: China-Europe took place on the 10-16 September 2018, in Philanthropy House, Brussels. The Philanthropic Leadership Platform: China-Europe is an intensive, peer-led leadership…
News - 11 July 2018

20 participants from China and Europe selected to take part in the Philanthropic Leadership Platform – China Europe 2018

20 participants from China and Europe have been selected to take part in the Philanthropic Leadership Platform – China Europe 2018, a unique initiative that aims to improve the leadership capability…
News - 28 May 2018

PhilScrum Post Conference Report: summary of Philanthropy Scrum Conference (2018)

News - 12 April 2018

Third Joint Conference of the EFC European Foundation Financial Investment Officers Group (EFFIO) & US Foundation Financial Officers Group (FFOG)

The third joint conference of the EFC European Foundation Financial Investment Officers Group (EFFIO) & US Foundation Financial Officers Group (FFOG) took place from 4-6 April 2018 at the …
News - 16 January 2018

Enlarging the Space for European Philanthropy (2018)