MAVA is reaching the half way point on its final strategy covering 2016-2022. As we enter our final chapter, there are some inherent challenges any foundation in such a situation…
News - 6 June 2019
Press release: EFC and Vladimir Potanin Foundation launch Philanthropic Leadership Platform: Russia-Europe
Brussels, 6 June 2019 – The EFC is launching a new philanthropy leadership exchange programme in partnership with the Vladimir Potanin Foundation. The first edition of the exchange will take…
News - 6 June 2019
Press release: Körber-Stiftung to gift its share of Philanthropy House to the EFC
Brussels, 6 June 2019 – Körber-Stiftung has announced that it will gift its share of Philanthropy House to the EFC, as part of the commemorations of the EFC’s 30th anniversary.
News - 6 June 2019
Towards listening and learning
My first concrete contact with the EFC occurred six years ago when I attended their Annual Conference and General Assembly in Copenhagen in 2013. At that point, I had been…
News - 5 June 2019
Beyond membership, impact change
In 1989, when the Berlin wall fell – and the EFC was created – I was 16. I belong to the first generation of Italian young people who became massively…
News - 4 June 2019
Capacity building – it’s in the EFC’s DNA
Happy 30th Birthday EFC! Thirty years have passed since the start. Any signs of a 30-year crisis?? You know, doubts about the past, questions about the future, reflections on your…
News - 3 June 2019
EFC Governance changes 2019
At the EFC’s 30th Annual General Assembly in Paris, 24 May, 2019, several changes and amendments to the EFC’s governance structure were voted upon, ratified and implemented. Governing Council…
News - 3 June 2019
EFC 30th Anniversary
A special event celebrating 30 years of the EFC will take place from 6-7 November at Brussels’ cultural and artistic hub, Bozar, just a few minutes’ walk from Philanthropy…
News - 3 June 2019
EFC Annual General Assembly 2020
The 2020 EFC Annual General Assembly will take place online from 14:30-17:30 on the 20 May, 2020. Details on how to take part, timings and further information have been sent…
News - 3 June 2019
Philanthropy – past, present and future
A version of this blog was published in the UK in April 2019 It may be a bit of a cliché to suggest that the world moves a…