
News - 30 September 2019

EFC AGA and Conference 2020 trailer wins Cannes Corporate award

  Allegrofilm and ERSTE Stiftung have won an award for the trailer to the EFC AGA and Conference 2020 ”Foundations…
News - 14 May 2019

Press release: EFC’s newly launched website reflects the dynamic and diverse face of philanthropy

Brussels, 14 May 2019 – Today, as part of its 30th anniversary activities, the European Foundation Centre (EFC) launched its new website one week ahead of the start of…
News - 8 April 2019

Journalism Funders Forum: What effective media philanthropy looks like right now

Taking place in Paris from 3-4 June, the Journalism Funders Forum will convene some of the world’s leading foundations focused on supporting media and journalism, as well as influential thinkers…
News - 5 April 2019

”Communicating on Europe; Communicating to Europe” with the EFC’s Communications network

The EFC’s Communications Professionals in Philanthropy had its Spring Meeting 2019 on ”Communicating on Europe; Communicating to Europe” on the 4-5 April, 2019 in …