Paris – Preserving and spreading indigenous women’s voice
The exhibition ”Preserving and spreading indigenous women’s voice” is a collaboration between Fondation Chanel and En Terre Indigène to draw portraits of indigenous women. The project…
News - 24 May 2019
Closing Plenary Paris 2019 – Fraternité & Philanthropie
The EFC’s 30th Annual General Assembly and Conference ended with a closing plenary on fraternité and philanthropy, bringing together the conversations from the past three days and looking ahead…
News - 23 May 2019
Middle Plenary Paris 2019 – Égalité
Kicking off this session, which focused on the notion of “égalité” and philanthropy’s role in creating more equal societies, Zhora Moosa, Executive Director of MamaCash and plenary moderator, stressed that…
News - 22 May 2019
Opening Plenary Paris 2019 – Liberté
‘’Are you a free man?’’ asked Laurence de Nervaux, the moderator of the Opening Plenary, to Plantu, the French cartoonist who had arrived at the conference with a bodyguard, a…
News - 8 May 2019
Nordea-fonden expands its focus to promote civic participation
This article has been adapted from the original in Danish by Sune Holm Pedersen and includes key lessons learned Denmark has a strong democratic…
News - 24 April 2019
EFC Grantmakers East Forum 2019 – Common actions for social change: mobilising people, creating spaces, using technologies
The EFC’s Grantmakers East Forum (GEF) will meet in 2019 in Tbilisi, Georgia, hosted by the Europe Foundation, for the 24th annual meeting of…
News - 15 April 2019
Increasing impact and visibility through non-financial support
The crisis in Greece prompted us to fundamentally rethink our strategy and how we could best meet the growing social needs for the finite resources of the…
News - 12 April 2019
OECD Forum 2019
The OECD Forum brings together high-level government representatives, from OECD member countries and key partners, with stakeholders from civil society, business, trade unions, philanthropy, academia and media to discuss world…
News - 12 April 2019
Ariadne and the European Community Organizing Network publish joint study ”Making a way forward”
Ariadne and the European Community Organizing Network have published a joint study ”Making a way forward: Community Organising and the Future…
News - 8 April 2019
EFC AGA and Conference 2019: Liberté, égalité, philanthropie
The 2019 EFC AGA and Conference will take place from 22-24 May in Paris, under the title “Liberté, égalité, philanthropie” “Liberté, égalité, fraternité!”: who isn’t familiar with the…