
News - 17 March 2019

Massimo Lapucci, EFC Chair and ”Putting a foot in Europe’s closing doors”

Massimo Lapucci, the EFC Chair since 2017, and Secretary General of Fondazione CRT, has written an article for Alliance magazine titled ”Putting a foot…
News - 16 March 2019

European Solidarity Corps 4 Youth – short term employment opportunities for young people across the EU

The European Solidarity Corps is offering short term employment opportunities for young people across the EU as a means of benefiting communities, societies and people around Europe…
News - 10 March 2019

The Active Citizens Fund In Greece, a new grants program operated by the Bodossaki Foundation has been launched

The Active Citizens Fund in Greece is a new EEA Grants programme aimed at supporting civil society in Greece and reducing social and economic disparities…
News - 9 March 2019

Press release: European philanthropy sector pushes back on proposed Dutch law requiring disclosure of donor information

Brussels, 26 February – Responding to the recently proposed act on transparency of civil society organisations in the Netherlands, the EFC and DAFNE have filed a joint contribution…
News - 8 March 2019

The Zero Project – Evolution of an inclusive conference

At the end of February, we held our eighth annual Zero Project Conference and our sixth at the United Nations in Vienna, Austria. Its theme, and that of the research…
News - 2 March 2019

”Good Practices on Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities” – open call

The partners of the Just4All project are searching for good practices in the access aims to improve access to justice for persons with disabilities. The good practices will be presented…
News - 2 March 2019

Press release: EFC 2019 Conference gathers around the world’s most famous rallying cry: “Liberté, égalité, philanthropie” – 22-24 May 2019, Paris

Brussels, 21 February 2019 – Liberté, égalité, fraternité, the national motto of France and the familiar rallying cry for freedom, equality and solidarity worldwide, will be the focus of this…
News - 18 February 2019

Take part in a survey on GDPR and how it has impact civil society organisations

Open Society Foundations (OSF) and Data Protection Support & Management (DPSM) have launched a survey to investigate the impact that GDPR has had…
News - 15 February 2019

”Alternative Narratives on Philanthropy, Agency and Power in Africa” – new collaborative report on philanthropy in Africa

”Alternative Narratives on Philanthropy, Agency and Power in Africa” is a new collaborative report on philanthropy in Africa from the Ford Foundation, the Mott…
News - 4 February 2019

Call to action from the European Cultural Foundation – ”Democracy Needs Imagination”

The European Cultural Foundation are launching a call to action to fund daring, creative, cultural actions in the run up to the European elections, titled ”Democracy Needs Imagination.” The…