
News - 31 March 2021

Brick by brick – Building an effective strategy for social housing in Europe

The EFC is organising “Brick by brick – Building an effective strategy for social housing in Europe” a conversation on 22 April looking at social housing in Europe, with foundations…
News - 30 March 2021

“The Silk Road: A Living History” exhibition by Aga Khan Foundation opens 8 April

“The Silk Road: A Living History” exhibition, by the Aga Khan Foundation, celebrating the cultural diversity of the Silk Road, and comprising…
News - 30 March 2021

Disability Thematic Network webinar – Public-private partnerships to support disability inclusion

Register to attend The EFC’s Disability Thematic Network will host a webinar on 15 April looking at “Public-private partnerships to support disability inclusion”.
News - 29 March 2021

Diversity, Migration and Integration Thematic Network and EPIM – Closing the representation gap for people with lived migration experience in public and policy advocacy on migration issues

Register The EFC Diversity, Migration and Integration Thematic Network and EPIM, the European Programme for Integration and Migration, will…
News - 19 March 2021

LEGO Foundation publishes new report “Learning Through Play” highlighting the importance of play to childhood development

The LEGO Foundation has published “Learning Through Play: increasing impact, reducing inequality”, a new report highlighting the important role of play in…
News - 5 March 2021

Women of the World Festival Istanbul

Watch the livestream The first Women of the World Festival in Turkey will take place on 5-7 March, organised by…
News - 3 March 2021

A warm EFC welcome to our newest affiliates!

The EFC welcomes its latest members and affiliates to its worldwide network of philanthropic organisations! To find out more on EFC membership and what it can provide visit …
News - 24 February 2021

The importance of networks for positive change

“Liberté, égalité, fraternité!” is a slogan that resonates as strongly today as it did back in 1789 when it was first uttered in revolutionary France.  It certainly resonated with me…
News - 23 February 2021

EFC Diversity, Migration and Integration Thematic Network webinar – Framing the narrative around migration during COVID-19 and beyond

Register on Cvent The EFC’s Diversity, Migration and Integration Thematic Network will hold a webinar on 17 March, 15:00-16:30 CET, with the…
News - 17 February 2021

Displaced and disrupted, but not deserted

This blog was originally published on the Porticus website. Over the last seven months, we’ve seen COVID-19 disrupting education all over the world, but…