
News - 5 April 2019

Ariadne issues statement urging greater focus on rights, citizenship and equality

At Ariadne’s annual meeting last week in Belfast, 80 of its members issued a statement urging for a greater focus on rights, citizenship and equality. “Having heard directly…
News - 2 April 2019

The Active Citizens Fund roadshow, co-operated by the Bodossaki Foundation finishes capacity building tour of Greece

The Active Citizens Fund in Greece has completed a month long roadshow touring Greece to present to civil society and local authority representatives the aims and key…
News - 28 March 2019

The EFC’s Research Forum publishes report on its 2018 conference in Hanover

The EFC’s Research Forum has published the report for its Hanover conference, titled ”Thinking beyond national borders – research and funding across boundaries”, that occurred at Herrenhausen…
News - 19 March 2019

Get involved with a new study on philanthropy’s role in producing safe, healthy and just societies

Candid (formerly the Foundation Center) and Centris (Rethinking Poverty) are conducting a new study on philanthropy’s role in producing safe, healthy and just societies and…
News - 16 March 2019

European Solidarity Corps 4 Youth – short term employment opportunities for young people across the EU

The European Solidarity Corps is offering short term employment opportunities for young people across the EU as a means of benefiting communities, societies and people around Europe…
News - 10 March 2019

The EFC’s innovative Philanthropic Leadership Platform – China-Europe opens for the 4th year!

Applications are now open for the 4th edition of the Philanthropic Leadership Platform – China-Europe, apply before 29 April to take part in this years programme. Following the success of…
News - 2 March 2019

”Good Practices on Access to Justice for Persons with Disabilities” – open call

The partners of the Just4All project are searching for good practices in the access aims to improve access to justice for persons with disabilities. The good practices will be presented…
News - 15 February 2019

”Alternative Narratives on Philanthropy, Agency and Power in Africa” – new collaborative report on philanthropy in Africa

”Alternative Narratives on Philanthropy, Agency and Power in Africa” is a new collaborative report on philanthropy in Africa from the Ford Foundation, the Mott…
News - 10 February 2019

”How are you doing, Europe?” – the new study from Bertelsmann Stiftung

Bertelsmann Stiftung have released a new study on the state of Europe is doing and what can be done in the future, titled ”How are you doing,…
News - 17 January 2019

”Philanthropy, an untapped potential?” – the latest hearing held by the European Economic and Social Committee.

Philanthropy and its as yet untapped potential in Europe was the topic of discussion at a hearing held by the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) on the…