6 February 2019

Social Economy for the Future of Europe

”Social Economy for the Future of Europe” was the final hearing of the Social Economy Intergroup of the European Parliament, held at the EESC on the 6th February.

The hearing sought to take stock of the previous 5 years progress and look forward to what needs to be done in the future and featured a wide variety of speakers and points of discussion on Social Economy.

Opened by the President of the EESC, Luca Jahier and the President of the Committee of the Regions, Karl-Heinz Lambert, the first discussion provided an assessment of the previous 5 years progress and proposals for the future of Social Economy.

The EFC, represented by Marilena Vrana, participated in the second roundtable discussion on ”Social Economy, shaping the Future of Europe” and put forward the position that ”Philanthropy, and foundations in particular, support and are part of the social economy sector; a driver for sustainable and inclusive economy strongly committed to society.”

The final discussion focused upon the role of Social Economy for the future of Europe and was followed by a joint message from the Social Economy Intergroup to the future European Parliament on why Social Economy needs continued support moving forward.