Philea publishes “Climate philanthropy networks” a mapping of climate philanthropy ecosystem in Europe

A new mapping published by Philea’s European Philanthropy Coalition for Climate, on 2 May explores the philanthropy ecosystem in the field of climate and the ways they shape and support the climate mission.
A growing diversity and number of networks have embraced the mission to support and grow the development of the philanthropy ecosystem in the field of climate. The twenty-one organisations presented range from those that are solely dedicated to climate issues, to more general networks that work in a range of areas. Each profile gives a flavour of the organisation or the platform’s activities and goals. This publication aims to encourage coordination and collaboration, and highlight the important role of philanthropy infrastructure organisations in supporting and shaping climate action across the ecosystem.
This mapping exercise is part of the activities of the European Philanthropy Coalition for Climate, which aims to empower philanthropy to drive bold climate action and transformational change in Europe and beyond.

Download the Climate philanthropy networks mapping