Philanthropy for Ukraine
We stand in solidarity with our members and all the people of Ukraine amidst the Russian government’s invasion into their lands. Our most heartfelt thoughts go to the families, friends and loved ones affected by this devastating situation.
We stand with them in their efforts to support, and with those who defend, the full respect of international humanitarian law and protection of civilians and civil society, in Ukraine, in Russia, in Belarus and around the world.
This initiative is no longer active. We recommend you check out the Foundations for Ukraine platform.
Together with key partners from across the philanthropy sector we launched the integrated online portals and The initiative aims to better coordinate the efforts, initiatives and calls for donations from the European philanthropy sector and NGO community in Ukraine and neighbouring countries.
The philanthropy sector has been swift in its response to the devastating situation in Ukraine, mobilising funds, donations, undertaken needs assessments and issued statements in support of the worst affected. It has been united and unequivocal in supporting all those who defend international humanitarian law and the protection of civilians and civil society, in Ukraine, in Russia, in Belarus and around the world.
The portals will directly support the work of two key stakeholders:
- Philanthropic organisations, to share updates on resources mobilised to support Ukraine; understand which pledges and commitments are being made by their peers; and understand and respond to the needs of (I)NGOs and grassroots organisations.
- (I)NGOs and grassroots organisations, to navigate the offers made by the philanthropic community and communicate their needs for support to a community of philanthropic actors.
A simple online template allows both of these stakeholders to publish their support efforts directly to the portals in their own languages. Bringing both communities together will allow for more targeted support in the interest of helping the millions of people suffering the consequences of the invasion.