Diversity, Migration and Integration Thematic Network
This network is a knowledge and exchange platform of foundations working on the issues of diversity and migration at the European level. The network’s two major themes are: migration and migrant integration; and tackling intolerance.
Focus areas
- Anti-discrimination
- Education
- Employment
- Healthcare
- Housing
- Organising a panel at the Philea Forum to mainstream diversity and migration issues within the foundation sector
- Organising an annual study visit to learn about the work of a member and understand how they are dealing with common problems in different contexts
- Other peer learning activities to share learning and increase knowledge of members on what others are doing in other sectors that relate to integration and migration; and to inform members about what is happening from an EU policy perspective
Network background
In 2006 the former Philea Migration Interest Group and Philea Minorities and Multiculturalism Interest Group merged to form the Diversity, Migration and Integration Interest Group (DMIIG). The DMIIG has now become the Diversity, Migration and Integration (DMI) Thematic Network.
Relationship with the SDGs
Understanding European philanthropy, and how its work relates to the Sustainable Development Goals, is essential when it comes to finding ways of leveraging existing and potential areas of synergy.
The work of the EFC’s Thematic Networks cover the entire range of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (even if they don’t always refer to them explicitly), which are a key part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The work of the Diversity, Migration and Integration Thematic Network touches upon the following SDGs:
Steering Committee (Chair, Barrow Cadbury Trust)