Grantmakers East Forum stands in solidarity with Ukraine
The Russian Federation’s military invasion of Ukraine is an unprecedented act of aggression. Philea’s Grantmakers East Forum stands in firm solidarity with the civil society and all the people of Ukraine. Our most heartfelt thoughts go to the families, friends and loved ones affected by this devastating situation. The Grantmakers East Forum supports the independence and sovereignty of Ukraine as a European nation. We believe in a just and democratic world where we recognise that we are so much more similar than we are different. We believe we are so much stronger together than apart.
As we join millions around the world watching the situation unfold, several of GEF’s and Philea’s members and affiliates are working on the ground in support of those affected by this crisis. We stand with them in their efforts to support the full respect of international humanitarian law and protection of civilians and civil society. Philea will be regularly updating an online space with resources and information on Philea members’ actions on Ukraine, and we invite you to share and revisit this space in the coming days and weeks for more information.
What can we do as citizens?
Show solidarity: Express your solidarity with democratic and independent Ukraine ‒ there might be people around you to whom it might matter a lot. If there’s a civic gathering supporting Ukraine close to you, take part. Remember, there are also many Russian citizens or people of Russian origin who disagree with the aggression. Their protest is particularly brave.
Offer financial and practical help: Draw public attention to organisations that provide humanitarian relief on the ground. Consider making a contribution and strongly encourage others to do the same. There will be many people leaving the country, primarily arriving in Poland, Romania, Moldova and Slovakia, as well as other countries. Local organisations supporting people on the move will be needing help too.
Beware of mis- and disinformation: Please do not share information if you are not certain of its source or accuracy. Kremlin strategies of mis-and-disinformation are deliberate. They erode trust and create friction and confusion, increasing the divide in society. Critically assess the material coming through social media channels and news outlets.
Search out and support independent media and reporting: Read news from reliable sources and support them by sharing reliable content. These include, in English: The Kyiv Independent, The New Voice of Ukraine, Outriders, Ukraine World and Sky News among others.
Support a rapid exit from fossil fuels: Decreasing Europe’s dependency on Russian gas means increasing chances for peace and democracy.
Call for sanctions: Demand that your government take a strong stance on sanctions.
Bolster European cooperation and solidarity: Supporting a firm, united position against Russia’s aggression and for tangible solidarity with Ukraine is critical. It is also our freedom that’s being contested in Ukraine right now.