7 March 2024

Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Network to launch peer-learning programme on integrating gender lens

The Gender Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Network will launch an online peer-learning programme to assist foundations in integrating a gender lens into their work and cultivate enthusiasm for gender equality in Europe.

The network has recently undergone a reflection and refocus as it works to advance gender equality in European foundations. The online peer learning journey is a result of this reflection and will seek to make gender equality tangible, achievable, and feasible by leveraging the network’s experiences to demonstrate how to realise it. It will build a community of practitioners on gender equality for participants to engage in meaningful communications and increase visibility and profile of gender equality as an issue and an opportunity for enhancing philanthropy’s collective influence. The network will support members on their journey toward greater gender inclusivity by providing a dedicated space for knowledge sharing and experience, tailored to their specific needs.

The programme will feature online webinars, open to all, with experts showcasing best practices from the sector, and workshops for members of the network to share their experiences and learn from each other.

If you are interested in being involved, or wish to find out more, fill in this form.


Letizia Manzoni
Programme Manager – Equality Collaborations