Journalism Funders Forum – Journalism Funders Coffee: Insights from OSF’s Media Program
The Journalism Funders Forum will host its next Journalism Funders Coffee online on 27 February to discuss “Insights from OSF’s Media Program” with the Open Society Foundations.
OSF’s journalism grantmaking programme has operated in Europe and globally for several decades. The foundation’s decision to sunset the programme and instead support media through other tools and mechanisms, will have a number of implications for independent media in Europe, and for foundation’s partners and grantees.
Susan Valentine and Mary Fitzgerald, Open Society Foundations will share their perspectives on some of the anticipated effects and explain how and where journalism and media support will continue at the foundation. The session will help to identify likely gaps or critical needs as a result of the changes, share their insights gathered over many years of working in the field, and explore what their recent scenario-planning and field research points to for the future.
The Journalism Funders Coffees are an ongoing series of online conversations that offer donors an informal space to connect, learn from each other’s practices and share strategies around funding journalism. Topics range from entry level to deep dives and often feature crossovers with other themes such as climate and equality. They offer a sampling for funders newly interested in the field, as well as a wealth of connections and good practices for longstanding journalism funders.
All calls are camera-optional and welcome both active participants and silent observers.