2 May 2023

How can European funders contribute to social cohesion, peace and security in Europe and beyond?

Ariadne will host “How can European funders contribute to social cohesion, peace and security in Europe and beyond?” online on 2 May.

Peace-related grantmaking remains marginal at the global level as it represents less than one per cent of all grantmaking. As stressed by the 2020 survey “Philanthropy for a Safe, Healthy, and Just World,” conducted by Candid and Centris with support from PeaceNexus Foundation, CSOs are the most active in peacebuilding, while endowed philanthropy is the least active even though supporting resilience and stable societies—a key component of peacebuilding— is either important or central to its work. Different analyses show that grantmakers have multiple roles to play in peace processes, including “supporting communities on the frontlines of conflict”, acting as convenors and helping to mobilise funds for local actors, NGOs and community philanthropy or supporting the provision of data-informed insights.


  • Dr. Stella Voutta, Program Director, Peace, Robert Bosch Stiftung,
  • Carole Frampton de Tscharner, Organisational Development Lead, Peace Nexus Foundation
  • Dawn Shackels, Director of Programmes, Community Foundation for Northern Ireland

Moderator: Barry Knight, Executive Director, CENTRIS

Welcoming words from Bernardo Monzani, President, Agency for Peacebuilding and concluding remarks by Carola Carazzone, Secretary General of Assifero and Vice-President, Philea