27 October 2020

Fostering Leadership – Indy Johar

The Vladimir Potanin Foundation will host a Fostering Leadership online talk with Indy Johar on 27 October to discuss the health, social, and economic costs of the COVID-19 crisis and the necessary transformations for society in a post-pandemic world.

Indy Johar is co-founder of multiple social ventures including an award winning architectural practice; Architecture 00 to accelerators, impact hubs and open source manufacturing ventures in London, from Open Desk to Wikihouse, and most recently Dark Matter Laboratories. Indy has previously spoken at EFC events, including the Grantmakers East Forum 2018 “Reframing Civil Society Actors, Values, Tools.”

The series, done in partnership with The Bell Newsletter, features a range of discussions with leaders of the humanitarian sector about the lessons of the crisis and values that will be inherent in our future.

Find out more.