EU Cities Mission – How Can Foundations Support the Climate-Neutrality of 100 Cities?

Philea and Compagnia di San Paolo will host “How Can Foundations Support the Climate-Neutrality of 100 Cities?” on 27 May in Ghent, bringing together foundations interested in addressing the critical issue of climate-neutrality in European cities by 2030.
112 European cities are paving the way towards climate-neutrality by 2030, and foundations can provide a unique contribution to this journey, through their capacity to engage stakeholders, take risks and think long-term, as well as to provide additional funds and investments.
Philea and Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo are inviting interested foundations to participate in a gathering aiming to
- Raise awareness around the concrete opportunities to support cities in their transition towards Climate-Neutrality.
- Learn about what engaged foundations are already doing at city, regional, and national levels.
- Deep-dive into the peer-learning offer that the EIT Climate-KIC offers via the NetZeroCities platform, a flagship initiative of the European Commission to support the implementation of the EU Cities Mission.
Participants will have the chance to exchange with high-level representatives of EIT Climate-KIC and NetZeroCities, as well as foundations engaged in supporting the transition of cities towards climate-neutrality by 2030. 33 cities have already received the Mission Label following the submission of their Climate City Contract (CCC), an important milestone in their journey as it can unlock private investment and translate their investment strategies into concrete needs.
8 Philea members; “la Caixa” Foundation, Bodossaki Foundation, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Fondazione Cariplo, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, King Baudouin Foundation, Laudes Foundation, and Realdania have started their engagement in the EU Cities Mission by endorsing the Climate City Contracts and opening dialogue at the municipal, regional, and national levels.