EFC European Environmental Funders Group Spring Meeting – European environmental philanthropy, what’s at stake?
The EFC European Environmental Funders Group Spring Meeting on 21 May will be an opportunity for funders to share knowledge, learn and network with peers working in the environmental sector, under the theme of “European environmental philanthropy, what’s at stake?”
This online meeting will build upon the knowledge developed from the 5th volume of Environmental Funding by European Foundations released in April 2021 and provide a space for funders to debate the opportunities and challenges in the sector, as well as existing and new avenues for philanthropy to deepen its engagement. It will be an occasion for funders to dive into several topics at stake in the 5th edition of the mapping as well as challenging and discussing different environmental approaches through an engaging set of breakout rooms sessions.
This meeting is for funders only.
For more information contact Silvia Balmas.