DAFNE CEO Retreat – Responsible Leadership: How to lead, manage and communicate in the new era?
The DAFNE CEO Retreat invites leaders of European national associations and foundations networks to join this exclusive event to take place on 10-11 September online.
What is the DAFNE CEO Retreat?
The DAFNE Retreat is an exclusive event that provides an opportunity for leaders of national associations and donors forums to come together to consider relevant strategic and operational issues. It is designed primarily as a peer learning forum with external expert input as appropriate, for the sharing of ideas, knowledge and experience, which will help inspire and offer practical solutions that will contribute to enhancing the impact they have on their membership and in the philanthropy field at national level.
Who is the DAFNE CEO Retreat for?
The DAFNE Retreat is intended for leaders of national associations and donors forums.
Given the circumstances, the DAFNE Board agreed with the Croatian Donors Forum to postpone the in person CEO Retreat in Croatia to 2021 and instead run an online meeting on 10 and 11 September 2020 with two 2 hours blocks.
The topic of the CEO Retreat that we will realise in cooperation with our strategic partner Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, will be “Responsible Leadership – How to Lead, Manage and Communicate in the New Era?”