Arts and Culture Thematic Network – EcoArts Nexus – From Talk to Action: What Can Philanthropy Achieve?

The Arts and Culture Thematic Network will host “EcoArts Nexus – From Talk to Action: What Can Philanthropy Achieve?” on 20 October in Venice, Italy.
Climate change is the most pressing challenge of our times. It is deeply cultural both in its roots as well as in the drive that could lead to a collective shift of the behaviours, beliefs and values inspiring mitigation and adaptation efforts. While there is a mild consensus within the artistic and cultural fields that culture plays a crucial role in tackling climate change, the recognition of the fact that the artistic and cultural sectors share the responsibility of the environmental crisis is less prominent. What tangible steps have been taken by sector representatives to change the way of working and contribute to a just transition? In this context, how do foundations investing in arts and culture support the sector in combating the environmental crisis?
Together, we will explore the vital themes of decarbonising arts and culture, uncovering how the arts can inspire broader climate action and examining the indispensable role of philanthropy in shaping the climate agenda within arts and culture. This gathering offers a unique opportunity to engage in thought-provoking discussions, ignite new ideas, and foster collaboration toward a sustainable future.
This session is part of a larger exploration of the arts and the environment in Venice “EcoArts Nexus – Venetian Reflections on Climate and Culture” from 18-20 October.