10 March 2022

European Parliament calls for EU rules and strategy to counter shrinking space for civil society in Europe

The European Parliament voted on 8 March in favour of proposals to counter the crackdown on civil society in Europe. The vote came after MEPs, in a plenary session, took stock of the role of civil society in dealing with the challenges and threats stemming from Putin’s aggression in Ukraine. The LIBE Committee, notably MEP Anna Donath as rapporteur, have put forward this timely report, which revolves around three key areas:

  • An enabling regulatory and political environment free from chilling effects, threats and attacks
  • Sustainable and non-discriminatory access to resources
  • Civil dialogue and participation in policymaking.

Philea has been engaging with the LIBE Committee and rapporteur MEP Anna Donath and warmly welcomes the initiative, which will strengthen the ongoing work towards an enabling environment for philanthropy and wider civil society. Philea will work on a more in-depth analysis of the report and its consequences for the philanthropy sector, as well as its links to the JURI report adopted in the February plenary session, and our work on a Single Market for Philanthropy.

Read more on “Shrinking space for civil society in Europe” report