
News - 23 October 2018

The EFFIO Group autumn meeting advances investment peer-learning and topical exchanges on current issues

The European Foundation Financial and Investment Officer Group (EFFIO) met in Hilversum, the Netherlands, on the 4th-5th of October to delve into a variety of issues and topical debates. Hosted…
News - 11 June 2018

Building a strong future for European science: Brexit and beyond

Decades of cooperation have made Europe a great place for research. But as science and politics change, we need to adapt to keep up. Europe must work together to secure…
News - 18 May 2018

Give Chance a Chance – a Lottery Decides Which Daring Research Ideas Receive Funding

When deciding on the eligibility of project applications, strict formal and technical specifications play a role, and the projects are also subjected to careful examination by experts. However, it is…
News - 7 September 2017

Linking global citizenship to food for a better future

What does it mean to be a global citizen in today’s world? How can food be considered a key factor in a cutting-edge approach to such a topic? Global citizenship…
News - 1 September 2017

EFC Research Forum Conference Report : Change-makers Enabling High-impact Research (2017)

News - 15 June 2017

10 tech issues that will impact social justice in 2017

his post originally appeared on the excellent Ford Foundation Equals Change blog earlier this year. In our increasingly complex and interconnected world, innovations in technology and data are…
News - 19 January 2017

Food sustainability: joining forces for a common goal

Our food system cannot feed us all. The world’s population is skyrocketing and climate change is affecting our planet. Facing the challenge of food sustainability is an urgent matter: we…
News - 19 January 2017

Can financial services companies use their blockchain experiments to help charities?

This post originally appeared on the website FinTech is a hot topic right now across the financial services industry, government and beyond. Policymakers recognise that the UK…
News - 15 November 2016

Championing Philanthropy

”Championing Philanthropy” came to Philanthropy House from 15 November 2016 to 15 March 2017, bringing to life a wide range of projects devised and carried out by members of…